Suggested Hikes

Walkable Westchester contains trail descriptions, not hikes.

Originally there were some suggested hikes; however, while writing the first edition, it became obvious that either some parks would have to be eliminated or suggested hikes moved to the web. To provide the greatest number of places to walk or hike, the decision was made to put suggested hikes on the web.

The maps in Walkable Westchester suggest possible hikes such as following the perimeter trails or turning right at all intersections. The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference, the publisher, has an extensive database of hikes in the metropolitan area based mostly in the Hike of the Week column by Daniel Chazin that appear in the Bergen Record.

Hikes in Westchester

Comment: Please be relevant, civil, non-commercial.

Monarch Ridge Hill's picture

Just wanted to thank you for existing! What we need (in Westchester, anyway) is more community based sites like this to assist people in getting out into the world and doing good things with their neighbors and families. If we are to truly embrace new urbanism concepts and put them into practice, walking out the front door is the first step. Thanks again!
Walt Daniels's picture

Our posting policy forbids advertising links, so I have removed the link. Monarch Ridge Hill is but one example of what can be done.

Thanks for the comment.